So many awesome classes for students
the age of 10…
Pre-Teen Ballet
Teacher Recommended at this age.
Pre-Professional is available at the age of 5 but is teacher recommended only.
Open ballet is also an option at this age. Open ballet does not perform in the revue.
Pointe is available for students age 10 and up but must pass an assessment and be enrolled in two ballet technique classes.
Teacher Recommended at this age.
Hip Hop
Teacher Recommended at this age.
Elite Hip Hop is available at the age of 8 but is teacher recommended only.
Irish 1 or Irish 2
Teacher Recommended at this age.
Irish Ensemble is available at the age of 6 but is teacher recommended only.
Hard Shoe is available at this age but is teacher recommended only.
Pre-Teen Jazz
Must be enrolled in ballet.
Jazz Ensemble is available at the age of 6 but is teacher recommended only.
Act It Out 1
Sing It Out 1
Lyrical 2
Must also be enrolled in ballet.
Dance Conditioning
Supplemental training
Musical Theatre