Tips and Tricks for Picture Week

1. Steam Costumes  - During the shipping, storage, and packing process costumes tend to be compressed and can easily get wrinkled. Be sure to pull out that steamer and carefully steam out the wrinkles in your costumes to get the best look! You can also place them in the bathroom while you take a hot shower. Just be careful about getting them wet. 

2. Hang tutus upside down - In order to fluff the tutus, hang them upside to allow the layers of tulle to open up and achieve full fluffiness! 

3. Try on your costume before pictures - It’s always a good idea to try on your costumes before pictures. Your dancer or gymnast may have grown since they last tried it on. Remember, they should fit snugly like a bathing suit. If there is a fit issue please let our front desk know! 

4. Pack extra tights - Tights are so important but they are also delicate. Be sure to pack an extra pair of tights in case of any rips, tears, or spills. 

5. Make sure you have all accessories - Check the costume details on the revue hub via the Dance It Out website to ensure you have all the pieces of the costume such as headpieces, gloves, etc. 

6. Label everything! - Nothing is worse than getting your costume, accessories, or shoes mixed up. Label everything with your child's initials. Be careful when using a permanent marker as it may bleed through and be visible. We recommend a regular ink pen.

7. Bring extra hair supplies - Pack extra hairspray, hair gel, bobby pins, etc. We know those fly away and baby hairs can be annoying. Sometimes all you need is an extra spray of hair spray before the camera snaps that perfect picture! 

8. Practice your smile - We all get camera shy sometimes. Get your dance to practice their smile before they arrive. 

9. Wear natural makeup - When taking pictures we use bright lights that can wash out some dancers. We recommend wearing light and natural makeup such as blush, neutral colored eyeshadow, and natural lipstick. 

10. No fingernail polish - We ask that all dancers and gymnasts have bare finger and toe nails. We want all of our students to look uniform when taking group pictures. 

11. No underwear under tights - Tights are a dancer's underwear!! There is no need for dancers to wear underwear under their tights. This can cause the costume to be ill fitting and you may see the underwear through the costume.  

Written by: Rebecca Edmonds


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